I print the world the way I like it!

3D printing processes of the future

The 3D printing process is no longer a vision of the future, but is rapidly finding its way into the world of production. Whether it's food, toys or technical components — there are no limits to the variety of products. In addition to the traditional production of consumer goods, all industries have discovered the novel process for themselves.

Using a bio-3D printer, Spanish researchers succeeded in printing human skin cells for medical and cosmetic purposes. In China, an entire small town is being built using 3D printing. By printing corals, a group of Caribbean islands is placing all its hope in preserving endangered coral reefs.

But three-dimensional printing is a revolution in the automotive industry in particular and will be an integral part of it in the future. This applies not only to new vehicle production, but also to the replacement of components in the classic car sector that have long since disappeared.

Marchi Mobile has also had good experiences printing components for the specially developed luxury EleMMent series. In the past, it was decided to print individual interior and exterior components for the new production of tailor-made design vehicles. These included, for example, various lamp covers and holders, which could be easily manufactured and installed using the three-dimensional printing process. In the near future, the company plans to apply this manufacturing technology to all vehicle series and to individually print all freeform components. “The price-performance ratio is getting better and better. Even with small quantities, it will then be interesting for us to no longer have to work on the classic production of model forms, but to be able to produce them in a simpler and more personalized way. This also enables us to react quickly and flexibly to innovations and changes on the market and incorporate them into our models up to date,” says Managing Director Mario Marchi.

*Source: www.3d-grenzenlos.de


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