The new class of sales trailers for small vehicles up to 3.5 t
This innovative mobile space solution from our factory for live presentations and road shows offers unimagined possibilities and is the answer to conventional mini saddle vehicles. More flexibility and more advertising space for your brand.
Im Detail
Our larger category car trailers - Marchi Lite - have 25-35 m² of floor space over a length of up to 10 m and offer the option of arranging stages and stairways or other presentation modules. The trailer can be individually expanded — for example, any room size can be achieved by docking several vehicles.
The outer walls can be replaced modularly and the trailers can therefore be designed to be incredibly flexible. In contrast to standard products on the market, the Marchi Lite can
Mini-saddles can primarily also be used as a stand-alone module, without a towing vehicle. The usual “vehicle character” is abolished by
novel design. Thanks to its innovative proportions, the Marchi Lite ensures an increased eye contact rate even on the road.
- Circumferential paneling
- round edges
- low entry height
- Clear and smooth surfaces
- The drawbar can be turned in invisibly
- Exhibition area: up to 35 m²
- Assembly time: 10-30 minutes by one person
- Air conditioning/heating available as an option